Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Joy I Knew

You came into my life
A lovely surprise
You gave me smiles and laughter
The thought of you filled my soul
And my spirit rejoiced.

Within me I felt your life,
Yet you were so tiny
I never felt you move,
or kick or squirm.

Yet you moved me
And you always will
For I knew who you were
And I know who you are now
You are Joy.

I saw you as an arrow
Being shot straight up to Heaven
To be a blessing there
As you were to me here

You brought laughter to my heart
Whenever I thought of you
Whenever I shared about you
You are as real as the tears I cry.
You are Joy.

I miss you and the pain is overwhelming
Knowing that we are apart
I never felt the stabs of grief so deeply
I never felt so empty
but you are Joy

I know I am blessed
Beyond measure
To have known you but for a moment
I cradle you in my heart always
You are Joy

I feel my dreams have died
And my hopes have been eliminated
However, life is more than now
Life is beyond this present span

You are there in the Arm's of glory
And His joy is rocking you
Ever so gently
Ever so lovingly
Forever you are Joy

I have hope and I know
That one day I will hold you
And I will see your beautiful face
And kiss your laughter filled cheeks

For now my precious Joy,
I will think of you everyday
I will hope in the coming day
And I will rejoice in your life
Always you are Joy

This poem is written to honor our little angel who went to live with the Lord on June 28th, 2007. We named the baby Joy. We lost this baby to miscarriage at 7 weeks and 4 days. However, the life of this child was real. The life of this baby meant so much. I want to honor this precious beautiful life who was within my womb for only a moment. This life had a purpose and I believe one day we will hold this child when we enter the gates of Heaven. I am blessed to have known this child. I never saw the baby or felt the movements of his or her life. However , I felt and still feel the way this baby moved my heart. I am eternally grateful for this precious Joy.

1 comment:

mamazee said...

Hi Ange!
we lost a little baby in may, right after mother's day - she would have been #7 for us, and i'd never lost any other babies previously. i do know just what you mean about now you KNOW... I named my little one Charis, from the Greek word meaning "grace" - the one thing that sets us apart from all other religions is the theology that God reserves the right to subvert natural law for reasons known only to Himself, to stack the deck against Himself, to give us grace... and this little one was such a blessing. i was just over 7 weeks too... loved your poem...

much love
stephanie in canada (from momys)