Monday, October 27, 2008

The End

Hello Everyone,

We have decided to close Abundant Lives as we have entered into a new chapter of our lives. Old things have passed away and God is making things new. It is a new season for our family. We no longer live in Atlanta, Georgia. We now live in sunny Arizona.

I started my own blog when we moved here about a month ago. It is called A HEART AT HOME. It has a daily scripture with prayer and devotion. There are also teachings about a woman's role in the home as well as just simple ideas for decorating, cooking, gift giving and other tidbits.

Never minimize your place at home. It is the most powerful place you can be of influence for the next generations. Check out A Heart at Home. I would love to hear from you and would be encouraged to know you are enjoying it. It is my gift to you.

In Christ's Love,

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